Bees nest almost anywhere and can be difficult to stop, but there are a few things business owners can do to prevent their return. A bee around you can be a threat to your employees and customers and can alienate your business and damage your hard-earned reputation. They have been known to swarm during a certain time of year, they have a sting at their back to protect them when sensing a threat to their nest.
Proper and safe bee removal requires a professional who knows the proper techniques and can comply with local laws and regulations governing bee removal, as well as the appropriate equipment. We as pest control specialists are trained to rid your business of bees and keep them from coming back.
First, you need to determine if the insect you are looking at is a bee or a wasp. Our expert will search the property, especially the areas where bugs were seen. Determine where the nest is and what kind of insect it is. Once a bee infestation is confirmed, We will move to the next step to control the bees.
Use protective equipment and special tools such as B. Expandable beehives. it will help to remove bees and nests. We remove the entire hive so that the bees don't come back to build a new hive. Our specialists treat using aerosol, dust, or liquid treatment methods, depending on the nest location.
We’ll do a follow-up to ensure that the bee infestation has been successfully removed and the colony has not returned to where the hive was located.However, we offer 1-year warranty and offer a free infestation if you see bees again during the process