Fly Control

Treating Customers Like Family Since 2008

Fly Control

Flies flapping all around us can drive us crazy and many of us find our homes infested with flies during the late spring, summer, and monsoons. Flies need moisture to develop from their eggs and love to feed, reproduce, crawl, and rest on rotting trash. They carry a large number of bacteria when they land on various contaminated sites such as rotting garbage, feces, and viscera. It can be transmitted to humans. Fly infestations can cause economic losses to businesses through food contamination.

The presence of flies can give customers the impression that commercial premises are unsanitary. Flying insects reproduce in a short period of time and large numbers if not effectively controlled. Despite this fact, they are very common worldwide and are often associated with human activity. In principle, they can be found anywhere there are suitable breeding conditions, such as moist organic matter.

When large numbers of flies lay their eggs on damp surfaces, cracks, corners of sinks, and drain pipes these populations expand, they can spread to adjacent areas and become a problem for local households, industries, restaurants, etc. Unbarred doors and windows, trash cans, manure pits, fermenting fruit, spilled sodas, and open alcoholic containers are all attracting flies.

How to get rid of Flies


Flies Inspection Process

Our experts visit and check what are the root causes of flies. On-site trash, landfills, and drains are thoroughly inspected, as they can become breeding grounds for flies if left unmanaged. However, it should be checked for accumulations of garbage, rotting food, and plant debris. To identify the type of flies and their quantity we place Insect Light Trap (ILT). The fly tape boards and fly tape installations complement outdoor fly controls as these devices help us to monitor fly populations and identify types of infestation.


Flies Treatment

House flies remain a problem unless the breeding grounds are thoroughly cleaned or removed. Garbage bins should be properly sealed, animal droppings should be cleaned regularly, and bins should be stored outdoors. Additionally, fine-mesh grills should be installed on doors and windows to prevent house flies from entering your home. We use chemical and mechanical means to control flies. Spray long-lasting chemical pesticides to control flies. Our specific insecticide kills fly eggs in breeding areas, as the remaining adults are easily removed by common fumigation.

We also manufacture lures, which are the best approach to fly control. We use a bait formula that remains active even in wet conditions to attract and kill flies. Fly control baits can only be used outdoors and help kill flies in large numbers. In addition, our team will install an Insect Light Trap (ILT) to attract and trap flies indoors, as blue light and ultraviolet light attract flies.

Guarantee against Flies

We intended to ensure that your place does not experience more than one flies infestation. However, you have to make sure to follow all the precautions which attract flies. We offer 1-year warranty and offer a free infestation if you see flies again during the process.

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Making the correct identification of pests and insects is extremely important. Therefore you need to book an appointment so that we can evaluate what stage of the cycle they are in. Only then can we give them the proper treatment. Do not waste time, and book one now!

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